Computer aided design

  • 9th Jan 2021
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  • 1 min read
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  • Tags: 
  • foss
  • cad

Computer aided design

As a original mechanical engineer I have worked with some CAD Software.

  • TopCAD on old Macs (best 2D Functions ever!)
  • UG and ME10 in technical school
  • HiCAD long time at work
  • FreeCAD in Freetime

I love FreeCAD even though I haven't been able to use it for a bigger project. But I love how many different modules there are. It can really do anything. There are bugs, yes, in a professional environement, it would have a hard time with its stressed users, but still, great peace of software.

2023 New Version

With the FPA in place and a new release, its even better. Check it out: